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  • Tout Contredanse Editions Documentation Centre Nouvelles de Danse Uncategorized Événements
    Nouvelles de Danse

    Now available : Nouvelles de danse n°84

    The latest issue of Nouvelles de danse is now available! An issue like an invitation to play. Cards, apps, video games, dance in games is at the heart of this issue. Also in the summary, a point on the reform of the status of artist, recognized as an arts worker. With the participation of Florent […]
    Table ronde

    Mapping the dance field

    The Réseau des Arts Chorégraphiques – RAC and Contredanse organize in partnership with the University of Brussels (ULB) and Iles/ Artist Project, a one day workshop to map the dance sector in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and more widely in Belgium. What do we want to do on this day?  > to identify and make visible all the actors related […]


    Documentation Centre

    To go further on Trisha Brown

    Biography : Trisha Brown’s obit in the New York Times (March 20, 2017): Here is an extract from the various resources available at the Contredanse Documentation Centre about Trisha Brown:  Trisha Brown’s history: Sally Banes, Terpsichore in Sneakers. Post-modern dance, ed. Houghton Mifflin,1980. Et sa traduction française par Denise Luccioni, Chiron, 2002. Sally Banes et […]

    PRESS RELEASE – Contredanse and La Bellone continue their cohabitation

    At the beginning of the 22-23 season, it is with great pleasure that we announce the continuation of the cohabitation of La Bellone and Contredanse within la Maison du spectacle. The work of mediation in which our two associations have engaged in recent months has borne fruit. By proposing rearrangements within the house, by reexamining […]

    Trisha Brown, look from the body

    A conversation in images, words and movement  American dancer, choreographer and visual artist Trisha Brown (1936-2017) could have stuck to her training in modern dance, but the times and her radical nature made her evade her learning to gradually weave a personal language from the laws of physics, the intelligence of the body, the liberated imagination and […]



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