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  • Contredanse

    Contredanse was founded in 1984 by Patricia Kuypers, the Belgian dancer and choreographer. From the outset, the mission it set for itself has involved supporting choreographic creation.  The Brussels-based association provides choreographers and dancers with the tools and resources they need to link their work in the studio to the theory of movement, the body, composition and the history of the discipline. Its activities focus on information, documentation, publishing and training.

    The team

    Isabelle Meurrens


    ( Lu Ma Me Je Ve )

    Anne Golaz


    Communication Diffusion Production
    ( Lu Ma Me )

    Claire Destrée


    Centre de Documentation
    ( Je )

    Yota Dafniotou


    Centre de Documentation
    ( Lu Ma Je Ve )

    Alexia Psarolis


    Nouvelles de Danse
    ( Lu Ma Je Ve )

    Florence Corin


    Publications / Formations
    ( Lu Ma Je )

    Baptiste Andrien


    Publications / Formations
    ( Ma Me Je Ve )



    From its very beginnings, Contredanse identifies training as its primary mission, which it has carried out by inviting figures such as Trisha Brown, Julyen Hamilton, Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Anna Halprin to come to Brussels to conduct workshops.


    The Documentation Centre is established to meet the need for an archive of documents and information dealing specifically with the art of dance. One year later the Centre, housed at the Masion du Spectacle La Bellone, opens its doors to the public.


    The first edition of the journal Nouvelles de danse was published to provide dancers with tools and to link theory with the work done in the studio. Seven year later, the “News” section of the publication becomes a new magazine, entitled NDD Info, leaving the journal to focus solely on theory.


    Contredanse further develops its line of publications with the launch of La Pensée du Mouvement, a new collection of books that focuses on dance. Three authors have published titles in the collection: F.M. Alexander, Laurence Louppe and Fernand Schirren.


    The content formerly contained in Nouvelles de danse becomes two separate publications: the “News” section of the original journal becomes a free magazine published three times a year and Nouvelles de danse begins to publish theme-based articles exclusively.


    The 53rd and final edition of Nouvelles de danse “Scientifiquement danse, quand la danse puise aux sciences et réciproquement” – is published. The journal is replaced by an annual publication without subject matter or format restrictions.


    Contredanse releases a DVD-ROM entitled Material for the Spine , the result of long-term collaboration with the improvisation artist Steve Paxton, which one year later in Seattle is awarded the CORD prize for best publication.


    On the heels of the DVD-ROM, the “Phantom Exhibition” a new collaboration between Steve Paxton and Contredanse is created. Over the course of a decade it takes on different forms at venues in Bozar, Hasselt, Japan, the MoMA in New York and Culturgest in Lisbon, before returning to Bozar.


    Following the publication Mouvement de Vie , by Anna Halprin, Contredanse organizes a memorable workshop with the author and 120 dancers at Cent-quatre.


    Contredanse releases its second DVD-ROM, entitled Dancing Life, in collaboration with Anna Halprin. The content of more than four hours, consists of archives, interviews and video recordings of workshops.


    The journal takes back its original title, Nouvelles de danse, , to make clear the subject matter of the enigmatic NDD. The journal gives voice to all those who create, perform, program or watch dance performances, namely choreographers, dancers, writers, programmers and spectators.


    Nouvelles de danse becomes a partially bilingual publication. A pull-out section provides quarterly news in French and in English, to better inform dance audiences.


    The Dance Documentation Centre celebrates its 30th anniversary with a refurbishment of its premises and a multiform vent featuring Fernando Martin, Maguy Marin, Nicole Mossoux and students from a variety of backgrounds.

    Our partners

    Practical Information

    La Bellone
    Rue de Flandre 46
    1000 Brussels – Belgium
    Phone number : +32 (0) 2 502 03 27

    Documentation Centre:

    > The team of the Documentation center welcomes you on Mondays and Thursdays from 1pm to 4:30pm and Tuesdays from 10am to 4:30pm.

    Éditions Contredanse

    Nouvelles de danse

    Technical issues :

    Communication & distribution :


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