Mapping the dance field

The Réseau des Arts Chorégraphiques – RAC and Contredanse organize in partnership with the University of Brussels (ULB) and Iles/ Artist Project, a one day workshop to map the dance sector in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and more widely in Belgium.
What do we want to do on this day?
> to identify and make visible all the actors related to dance
> to encourage exchange and dialogue
> to bring out the strengths and needs of the field
> to dream of the ideal dance sector and to dare utopias!
This day rich in reflexion and activities will be moderated by Carlotta Scioldo, PhD student and former EU Policy and Network Manager at the European Dancehouse Network.
On the agenda :
@ La Bellone:
10:00-12:00: «Nots, streets, and highways: elements to build the dance sector»: Presentation of the goals of the day and talk between Flemish and French organizations.
12h-13h: «Dance under construction»: Dialogue between the audience and speakers.
13h-14h: Lunch at MAD.
13h-17h30: «Building and Reflecting Trajectories from the dance value chain»: Setting up round tables to reflect on the sector of today and tomorrow.
You want to participate in the event? Please register and complete the survey set up to feed the discussions during the day before October 16th.
You cannot attend this event on October 20th but you would like to make your structure known and bring your support to this mapping project of the sector? You can complete the survey. Your help is precious to us!
> Link to the survey
For any question about the event, please contact Anne Golaz via .
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Now available : Nouvelles de danse n°84

To go further on Trisha Brown