Trisha Brown, look from the body

A conversation in images, words and movement
American dancer, choreographer and visual artist Trisha Brown (1936-2017) could have stuck to her training in modern dance, but the times and her radical nature made her evade her learning to gradually weave a personal language from the laws of physics, the intelligence of the body, the liberated imagination and a poetic relationship to the universe. She drew from her body all her life, while working to clarify her choreographic language. In one minute or three hours, her creations transport the audience through the apparent “magic” of kinaesthesia, that sense of the body that translates the visual perception of movement into an inner sensation.
During this opening night of the 11th international dancefilmfestival brussels ‘l’art difficile de filmer la danse,’ in dialogue with Eva Karczag, Denise Luccioni proposes excerpts from Trisha Brown from A to Z. For example: Alphabet, Accumulation, Geometry, Locus, Opal Loop, Silence, Titles, Waves and especially Humour.
> To go further on “Trisha Brown, seen from the body”
> To go further on Trisha Brown
Met de steun van het Vlaams audiovisueel fonds (vaf) van de vlaamse overheid. / Avec le soutien de la Fédération wallonie-bruxelles, du centre cinéma et de l’audiovisuel.

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Now available : Nouvelles de danse n°84

To go further on Trisha Brown