Centre de documentation
Past events

Mapping the dance field
The Réseau des Arts Chorégraphiques – RAC and Contredanse organize in partnership with the University of Brussels (ULB) and Iles/ Artist Project, a one day workshop to map the dance sector in the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and more widely in Belgium. What do we want to do on this day? > to identify and make visible all the actors related […]

Trisha Brown, look from the body
A conversation in images, words and movement American dancer, choreographer and visual artist Trisha Brown (1936-2017) could have stuck to her training in modern dance, but the times and her radical nature made her evade her learning to gradually weave a personal language from the laws of physics, the intelligence of the body, the liberated imagination and […]

Why We Fight ?

Si t’y danses — balades urbaines