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  • Documentation Centre Andreyna Ordaz October 7, 2022

    To go further on Trisha Brown

    Biography :

    Trisha Brown’s obit in the New York Times (March 20, 2017):

    Here is an extract from the various resources available at the Contredanse Documentation Centre about Trisha Brown: 

    Trisha Brown’s history:

    Sally Banes, Terpsichore in Sneakers. Post-modern dance, ed. Houghton Mifflin,1980. Et sa traduction française par Denise Luccioni, Chiron, 2002.

    Sally Banes et al., Reinventing Dance in the 1960s. Everything was possible, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2003.

    Laurie Anderson, Trisha Brown, Gordon Matta-Clark, Pioneers of the downtown scene, New York 1970s, (catalogue d’exposition), Barbican Art Gallery, Prestel Verlag, 2011.

    Wendy Perron, Through the eyes of a dancer, Wesleyan Univ. Pres, 2013.

    Wendy Perron, The Grand Union, accidental anarchists of Downtown dance, 1970-1976, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2020.


    Lise Brunel (préf.J-M Adolphe), Trisha Brown, Editions Bougé, 1987.

    Trisha Brown, Danse, précis de liberté (catalogue d’exposition), Musées de Marseille, 1998.

    Hendel Teicher et al.,Trisha Brown, Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961-2001, (catalogue d’exposition), Addison Gallery, 2002.

    Susan Rosenberg, Trisha Brown, Choreography as Visual Art, Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2017. 

    André Mesquita et al., Trisha Brown. Choreographing life (catalogue d’exposition), MASP, 2020.

    Trisha Brown published by Contredanse Editions:

    De l’une à l’autre – composer apprendre et partager en mouvements

    Poétique de la danse contemporaine

    Nouvelles de danse 10

    Nouvelles de Danse 17

    Nouvelles de danse 21

    Nouvelles de Danse 23

    Nouvelles de Danse 38

    Nouvelles de Danse 42

    And countless articles, especially in the following periodicals: 

    Art Press, Avant-scène Ballet/Danse, Ballet Review,  Ballettanz, Ballet International/Tanz Aktuell, Ballroom, Carnets du Paysage, Contact Quarterly, Dance Chronicle, Dance Magazine, Dance Now, Dance Research, Dance Research Journal,  Dance Theatre Journal, Danser, Journal de l’ADC, Maska, Mouvement, Movement research performance journal, Nouvelles de Danse, PAJ A Journal of Performance and Art,Performance Research, Repères, Saisons de la danse, Tanz drama, Théâtre/public, TDR The Drama Review, Writings on Dance.

    You can consult a large number of other documents on Trisha Brown via this link to our catalogue:

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