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  • Nouvelles de danse

    Nouvelles de danse is a magazine featuring dance information and theories; it also looks at choreographic creation and highlights the work of artists. It is made available free of charge. The publication includes a thematic dossier on artistic, sociological, political, and other aspects of the human body in motion. It also features a pull-out booklet (in French and English) with details on upcoming shows in Belgium, new creations, festivals, and other dance-related events.


    • Publication frequency, circulation, format and price

      Nouvelles de danse is published three times per year (January 1st, October 1st and April 1st). Eleven thousand copies of each edition are printed in mini-tabloid format.
    • Distribution

      It is available at most cultural venues in Brussels, via the Zoom On Arts network. You will also find copies in many dance schools and cultural centres throughout Belgium. In France, you can obtain a copy at the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Centre National de la Danse and at national dance centres.
    • Advertising rates

      Please send an email to for information on our advertising rates.
    • Can my information be included?

      Choreography professionals with information on upcoming events or activities may email the details to, 45 days before scheduled publication dates.
    • Who does What ?

      Editor-in-Chief: Alexia Psarolis
      Advertising, Subscriptions and Distribution: Nicolas Bras
      Editor: Ana Maria Primo
      Printing: IPM group

      The magazine is supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Dance Department; COCOF (French Community Commission) and the City of Brussels.

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